Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The last two weeks of January were filled with good-bye's and more packing and selling.  Although we were only in Paraguay for 13 months, we made such wonderful friends and it was an emotional departure for all of us.  Below are some of the "lasts" we captured on camera:
Last day of swim class - with all 4 teachers!  
Isaiah and Landon with one of their best buddies, Paul (they swam until after 10PM this last night together!)

Our last dinner with Paul's family - mom Achu was a great support for me
Last birthday party with other best buddies, Elias and Thiago (special church friends)
Last day in their room!
 Our final days were filled with fun (in the SUN and HEAT!) and special surprises from our church family.  The night that we left, a group of church members stayed until 10:30 to help us carry our luggage out then sang us a song about friendship in the Lord never ending.  We were so blessed to be able to spend this last year with such a special group of people!

After nearly 24 hours of travel, we finally made it back to the Northwest and are enjoying time with family (although we're not too keen on the COLD!)  Isaiah and Landon are excited to be near grandparents again and have had fun doing Christmas things in February :)
The yearly gingerbread house at Mimi's
We have been overwhelmed by the love and support shown to our family as we begin this transition from ministry in South America to ministry in the States.  Although we are back, we are far from "settled" :)  We plan to make visits to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho through mid-March then perhaps settle in the Portland area until we find a church to pastor.  God is so faithful and we are continuing to learn to trust Him for our DAILY needs (not necessarily always looking ahead to the FUTURE).  I have no doubt that He has a perfect place for us, my challenge is just waiting for His timing :)  One day at a time!

So, as we close one chapter of our lives, we are excited about the new chapter and learning to live in the "in-between".  Much, much love and many thanks to each of you who has partnered with us on this journey.  May the Lord bless you and keep you always!!

Ryan, Sarah, Isaiah, and Landon